
Learn About the Paw Platoon Placement
Programs For First Responders


This year, we heard from multiple departments and local stations in need of therapy dogs called the Paw Platoon Placement Program; in-house therapy dogs who reside at local stations. These in-training dogs proactively provide a multitude of mental health and wellness for critical incident stress relief for decompressing.

Funds raised will support training, insurance, food, continued veterinarian care, and education to the program. Along with additional critical counseling referral services specializing in PTSD for first responders.

With your continued donations, you can help to provide ongoing support to our heroes.

Learn About Our Efforts to Help First Responders


This year, we heard from multiple departments and local stations in need of therapy dogs called the Paw Platoon Placement program; in-house therapy dogs who reside at local stations 24/7. These trained dogs proactively provide a multitude of wellness and critical incident stress relief for decompressing.

Funds raised will support training, insurance, food, continued veterinarian care, and education to the program. Along with additional critical counseling referral services specializing in PTSD for first responders.

With your continued donations, you can help to provide ongoing support to our heroes.

Fallen Firefighters - Honor

Honoring and supporting the men and women who wear this uniform with donations to the loved ones and family affected by the traumatic loss. Continued peer support to the station, families, and memorials.

Firefighter Burn Institute - “Chief Challenge”

Annually participating with businesses and Community to “Fill the Boot” drive bringing awareness to the communities for civilians and firefighters’ recovery.  In addition, continued partnering for mental health and wellness peer support programs and events.

Movember Month – “Cancer Awarness”

Participating in events and programs to bring awareness to the hazardous fire life these brave men and women face on the front line.  Sponsoring golf tournament to raise money for associations and the shave the stash challenge.

Redline Pink Program - “Woman for Firefighters”

The Redline Pink community has evolved from woman across the counties wanting to support each other and the wives of 911 lifestyle group. A bond of sisterhood for solidarity behind the fire life.  Continued quarterly events to fundraise for local firefighters, fire stations and associations.

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BLITZ the Fire Dog